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Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD)

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Borderline Personality Disorder in Adults
Introduction All humans are social, and one of our deepest needs is to attach, or feel connected to others. In fact, we can’t survive without others. When we’re young, our most important attachments are to parents and adult caregivers. As we get older, our attachments change to include friends and peers. In adulthood, it changes to focus on romantic partners. Because one of our deepest needs is to attach, it is natural then, that one of our deepest fears is lack of attachment, or rejection, or abandonment. Positives of being sensitive Being sensitive may mean they can be very thoughtful and conscientious of other's feelings, which ...
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Borderline Personality Traits in Youth
Introduction All humans are social, and one of our deepest needs is to attach to or feel connected to others. We can’t survive without others. When we are young, our most important attachments are to parents and adult caregivers. As we get older, our attachments change to include friends and peers. In adulthood, they change to focus on romantic partners. Because one of our deepest needs is to attach, it is natural then that one of our deepest fears is lack of attachment, rejection, or abandonment. Some people are quite sensitive to stress in their relationships.  The strengths of being sensitive are that sensitive people tend ...
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