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YMCA-YWCA of Vancouver Island - Youth/Young Adult Mindfulness Programs
A free, 7 week psychoeducational support group for young adults 18-30 experiencing stress, worries and anxiety. Participants learn healthy coping skills to manage their anxiety, connect with other young people and receive support all in a safe and friendly community environment.
851 Broughton St
Victoria, BC, V8W 1E5 Map
250-386-7511 x413
Ages served: 18 - 30 years
Languages served: English
Fees: None
To be seen: Clients/families may self refer
Young adults 18-30 who experience worry, stress & anxiety in the mild-moderate range. Must attend an information session - to register contact Fiona at [email protected] or go to to register for an info session online.
Area Served: Vancouver Island

This resource is listed under these topics

Self-help, Mutual Aid and Support Groups
Community Health and Resource Centres
Social Skills and Life Skills
Recreation and Leisure
Counselling and Therapy
Outpatient/community mental health services
Resiliency and Coping
Group Therapy
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Last modified Aug 13, 2019 9:29am
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