Please note:
Our database may be missing resources as we do not have a local partner in this community. (Laurentides, QC)
If you know of any resources that should be in our database, feel free to help out your community by letting us know.
If you are an organization that would like to partner with us to help keep this database up-to-date, please contact us for more information.
If you are an organization that would like to partner with us to help keep this database up-to-date, please contact us for more information.
Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD)
Borderline personality disorder describes individuals who have severe difficulties with relationships and severe problems in regulating their moods, which results in dramatic mood swings. This particular diagnosis is not without controversy, but there is no question that individuals with this label endure great distress.
Counselling and Therapy
Publicly Funded / Free Services
CLSCs (centre local de services communautaires, local community service centre) in Quebec are free clinics which are run and maintained by the provincial ...
QC, Canada
Area Served: Quebec
All ages
Private Practice Professionals and Commercial Businesses
BC, Canada
Area Served: Canada
Accepting patients: Yes
All ages
ON, Canada
Area Served: Canada
18 years and up
Self-help, Mutual Aid and Support Groups
Publicly Funded / Free Services
AMI-Québec, a grassroots organization, is committed to helping families manage the effects of mental illness through support, education, guidance and ...
5800 Décarie Boulevard, Montréal, QC, H3X 2J5 Map
Area Served: Quebec
18 years and up
Regroupement de 22 centres d'écoute au Québec sur 10 territoires. Les écoutants sont plus de 800 à offrir de l'écoute active pour toutes les personnes ...
3715 pelissier, Ville De Québec, QC, G1X 3X9 Map
Area Served: Quebec
All ages
CLSCs (centre local de services communautaires, local community service centre) in Quebec are free clinics which are run and maintained by the provincial ...
QC, Canada
Area Served: Quebec
All ages
L'Association québécoise de l'organisation limite de la personnalité (AQOLP) est un organisme communautaire provincial dont la mission ...
1800 boulevard Le Corbusier, Laval, QC, H7S 2K1 Map
Area Served: Quebec
All ages
Le Réseau Avant de Craquer (anciennement La Fédération des familles et amis de la personne atteinte de maladie mentale) est un réseau québécois de 43 ...
1990 Cyrille-Duquet, Québec, QC, G1N 4K8 Map
Area Served: Quebec
All ages
Our overall objective is to provide people suffering from mood disorders a strong, cohesive voice at the national level to improve access to:
* ...
46 Hope Cr., Belleville, ON, K8P 4S2 Map
Area Served: Canada
All ages
Community Health and Resource Centres
Publicly Funded / Free Services
CLSCs (centre local de services communautaires, local community service centre) in Quebec are free clinics which are run and maintained by the provincial ...
QC, Canada
Area Served: Quebec
All ages
General Community Mental Health Services
Private Practice Professionals and Commercial Businesses
ON, Canada
Area Served: Canada
18 years and up
Publicly Funded / Free Services
Il s'agit d'un centre de traitement avec unité de soutien à la désintoxication traitant divers problématique dont l'alcool, la toxicomanie,la ...
820 Luc, St-alphonse-rodriguez, QC, J0K 1W0 Map
Area Served: Quebec
16 years and up
The Canadian Art Therapy Association is a voluntary association of art therapists in Canada. To be identified as an art therapist in Canada and the United ...
Parksville, BC, V9P 2G7 Map
Area Served: Canada
All ages
Looking for a psychologist? The Canadian Register of Health ServicePsychologists (CRHSP) has a national directory of qualified psychology providers.
72 Saint-Raymond Blvd, Gatineau, QC, J8Y 1S2 Map
Area Served: Canada
All ages
Kids Help Phone is Canada’s only bilingual phone and on-line counselling service for youth. It’s free, anonymous and confidential. Professional ...
439 University Avenue, Toronto, ON, M5G 1Y8 Map
Area Served: Canada
5 - 20 years
Professional association that provides psychotherapy training to nurses.
NOTE: Does not provide direct psychotherapy services to the general public.
18 Queen Street East, Brampton, ON, L6V 1A2
Areas Served: Canada, Peel Regional Municipality
All ages
Non-profit association that seeks to transform the mental health sector to be an inclusive society where people achieve full social inclusion.
Promotes ...
140 Holland Street West, Bradford, ON, L3Z 2Y5 Map
Area Served: Canada
All ages
Our mission is to improve the health and quality of life of people with physical, emotional, and social challenges through partnerships with companion and service animals.
1010 Polytek St, Ottawa, ON, K1J 9H9 Map
Area Served: Canada
All ages
Private Practice Professionals and Commercial Businesses
QC, Canada
All ages