LHIN Champlain, ON
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Psychiatrists are medical doctors who have received specialized training in diagnosis and treatment of mental health conditions (such as psychotherapy and medication treatment). Some work in hospitals or mental health agencies. They may also work  on their own in "private practice." Because physicians are publicly-funded, one does not need to pay any fees to see a psychiatrist, even for those in private practice.


Looking for a psychiatrist? The best way to see a psychiatrist is to speak to your family doctor to ask about whether seeing a psychiatrist would be helpful. Seeing a psychiatrist requires a referral from your physician.


Looking for a list of psychiatrists in your area? Unfortunately, because demand for psychiatrists is so high, and they are relatively few, it is very difficult to find any lists of psychiatrists. The best option is usually to contact the medical licensing body for whichever province you are in (for example, in Ontario, you would contact the College of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario.)


Consider seeing a psychologist instead! Psychologists are similar to psychiatrists as they can both provide mental health assessment, diagnosis and treatment. Although psychologists do not treat using medications, the good news is for most conditions, non-medication treatments make a huge difference, such that many times, medications are not even required.  View psychologists in your area.

Publicly Funded / Free Services

CHEO is a pediatric hospital that provides various mental health services to children, youth and families up to age 16-18. more
401 Smyth Road, Ottawa, ON, K1H 8L1 Map
Area Served: LHIN Champlain
Up to 17 years
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Hospital that specializes in wide range of mental health services including: * inpatient and outpatient services for youth and adults * specialized mental ... more
1145 Carling Avenue, Ottawa, ON, K1Z 7K4 Map
Area Served: LHIN Champlain
16 years and up
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Provides specialized interdisciplinary assessment, treatment, rehabilitation, and community reintegration to adults with severe psychiatric illness who have ... more
1804 Highway 2 East, Brockville, ON, K6V 7N2 Map
Areas Served: LHIN Champlain, Ottawa-Carleton
18 years and up
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eConsult is a service in the Champlain LHIN to improve access to medical specialists by primary care providers on behalf of their patients, thereby ... more
1900 City Park Drive, Ottawa, ON, K1J 1A3
Area Served: LHIN Champlain
All ages
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The College of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario is the regulatory body for physicians and surgeons in Ontario, meaning that all physicians and surgeons must ... more
80 College Street, Toronto, ON, M5G 2E2 Map
Area Served: Ontario
All ages
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The Canadian Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry is a professional association whose members consist primarily of child and adolescent psychiatrists in ... more
141 Laurier Avenue West, Ottawa, ON, K1P 5J3 Map
Area Served: Canada
Up to 17 years
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"The Canadian Psychiatric Association is the national voluntary professional association for Canada's psychiatrists. Its mission is to forge a strong, ... more
141 Laurier Avenue West, Ottawa, ON, K1P 5J3 Map
Area Served: Canada
All ages
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Private Practice Professionals and Commercial Businesses

University of Ottawa Health Services
801 King Edward Ave, Ottawa, ON, K1N 6N5 Map
Areas Served: Ottawa-Carleton, LHIN Champlain
Accepting patients: Unknown
Up to 17 years
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Resource Lists by Other Organizations
Catchment: LHIN Champlain
“Red Flags” is a Quick Reference Guide for Early Years professionals.Red Flags outlines a range of functional indicators or domains commonly used to monitor healthy child development, as well as potential problem areas for child development. It is intended to assist in the determination of when and where to refer for additional advice, formal assessment and/or treatment.
Posted: Sep 28, 2015
Language: EN
Catchment: LHIN Champlain
"From Rollercoaster to Recovery" is a detailed guide for families and individuals on how to navigate the addictions and mental health system in the Champlain LHIN.
Posted: May 2, 2013
Language: EN,FR
Ottawa Public Health (OPH)
Catchment: LHIN Champlain
List of mental health resources and supports located throughout the Ottawa area (Champlain LHIN).
Posted: Aug 16, 2017
Language: EN,FR
Children's Mental Health Ontario (CMHO)
Catchment: Ontario
CMHO has list of child/youth mental health services for communities throughout Ontario.
Posted: Sep 1, 2020
Language: EN
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