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White River First Nation Health and Social Development , National Native Alcohol and Drug Abuse Program
White River First Nation provides its membership with alcohol and drug treatment services through the NNADAP Coordinator position. We are located at Beaver Creek, Yukon, Canada's most western community. The coodinator is responsible for planning, developing and delivering alcohol and drug abuse treatment, prevention and aftercare programs. Services are primarily provided through outreach in the schools, homes and streets of the village.; While alcohol and drug support is the major focus, family and group couselling must also be available. Alternative recreation programs for families, children and youth. We also off assessmentts and referrals, peer support programs, court support and school programs.
PO Box General Delivery
Beaver Creek, YT, Y0B 1A0 Map
Ages served: All ages
Languages served: English
Fees: None
Area Served: Yukon
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This resource is listed under these topics

Addictions (including Drugs, Alcohol and Gambling)
Indigenous, First Nations, Inuit and Métis (FNIM)
Last modified Aug 2, 2008 8:41am
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