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Local Health Integration Networks (LHIN's)
LHINs get their authority to manage their local health systems through the Local Health System Integration Act, 2006

LHINs are a critical part of the evolution of health care in Ontario, making it a system that is patient-focused, results-driven, integrated and sustainable. LHINs possess significant decision-making power at the community level which focuses on local community needs, and improving health results for patients in every part of the province. LHINs facilitate effective and efficient integration of health care services, making it easier for people to get the best care in the most appropriate setting, when they need it.

LHINs are also responsible for funding a wide range of health service providers and for managing the majority of service agreements with these providers. The government’s role is to provide stewardship of Ontario’s health system, setting direction, strategic policy and system standards and delivering provincial programs and services.

Together, all the system partners – government, LHINs and providers – are accountable to the people of Ontario for health care quality and results.
Ages served: All ages
Languages served: English, French
Fees: None
Last modified Sep 18, 2010 11:13pm
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