Alcohol Problems (in Women)
This survey is designed to provide a quick assessment of whether you might have problems with alcohol. However, no test is 100% accurate. No matter what your score is, you should seek help from a health professional if you have any concerns about yourself or your loved ones.
The questionnaire used here is the Fast Alcohol Screening Test (FAST) for women. Looking instead for a version for men?
Thank you Dr. Ray Hodgson and colleagues for creating this tool!
1. |
How often do you have SIX or more drinks on one occasion?
2. |
How often during the last year have you been unable to remember what happened the night before because you had been drinking?
3. |
How often during the last year have you failed to do what was normally expected of you because of drinking?
4. |
In the last year has a relative or friend, or a doctor or other health worker been concerned about your drinking or suggested you cut down?