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Specific Groups and Populations

Alcohol risk assessment and intervention for family physicians
The Alcohol Risk Assessment and Intervention Project of the College of Family Physicians of Canada has developed materials and training for family physicians to use in helping their patients reduce the risks of alcohol-related harm.
College of Family Physicians of Canada
Audience: Primary Care (
Resource type: Printed materials including handouts, brochures and books
Attachment & Trauma Network, Inc. Website
American, parent-led organization supporting families of attachment-disordered and traumatized children. Services include: * Training at adoption conferences * On-line support communities * Database of worldwide therapists and resources
Attachment & Trauma Network, Inc.
Audience: Public (, Primary Care (
Resource type: Websites including blogs, support forums
Attachment Association of Canada website
National organization promoting education about attachment issues. Website has information about child attachment, adult attachment, sections for professionals and parents, as well as events and conferences about attachment.
Attachment Association of Canada
Audience: Public (, Primary Care (
Resource type: Websites including blogs, support forums
Attachment Network of Manitoba website
The Attachment Network of Manitoba is a multi-organizational committee that is comprised of representatives from various sectors, including health, justice, education, and social services, who are interested in promoting and enhancing secure attachment across the life span. Website features include: * Blog * Videos * Events * Information for parents * Information for professionals
Audience: Public (, Primary Care (
Resource type: Websites including blogs, support forums
Borderline Personality Disorder Clinician Resource Centre
The Borderline Personality Disorder Clinician Resource Centre was developed by researchers and clinicians affiliated with the Psychotherapy Program of the Department of Psychiatry, University of British Columbia.
Department of Psychiatry, University of British Columbia
Audience: Primary Care (
Resource type: Websites including blogs, support forums
CAMESA Guidelines
The Canadian Alliance for Monitoring Effectiveness and Safety of Antipsychotics in Children (CAMESA) guidelines provide parents and doctors with information about the side effects of antipsychotic drugs in children.
Audience: Public (, Primary Care (
Resource type: Websites including blogs, support forums
Canadian Guidelines on Auditory Processing Disorder in Children and Adults: Assessment and Intervention
The Canadian Interorganizational Steering Group (CISG) is pleased to announce the publication of its “Canadian Guidelines on Auditory Processing Disorder in Children and Adults: Assessment and Intervention”. These new guidelines are the result of a collaboration between a number of organizations who have an interest in the practice of audiology and speech-language pathology in Canada, including regulatory bodies, professional associations, and universities. They reflect these organizations’ commitment to providing professionals with tools to assist them in the provision of high quality services to their patient/clients.
Canadian Interorganizational Steering Group (CISG)
Audience: Primary Care (
Canadian Guidelines on Auditory Processing Disorder in Children and Adults
Clinical practice guidelines on Auditory Processing Disorder in Children and Adults.
Canadian Interorganizational Steering Group for Speech-Language Pathology and Audiology
Audience: Public (, Primary Care (
Resource type: Practice guidelines
Eating Disorders Association, Inc.
The website of the Eating Disorders Association in Australia has information about eating disorders for parents and professionals. Resources for professionals include "Eating Disorders: An Information Pack for General Practitioners".
Audience: Public (, Primary Care (
Resource type: Practice guidelines, Websites including blogs, support forums
Family Physician Guide: For Depression, Anxiety Disorders, Early Psychosis and Substance Use Disorders
Guide to diagnosing and treating mental health conditions for family physicians.
BC Ministry of Health
Audience: Primary Care (
Resource type: Printed materials including handouts, brochures and books, Websites including blogs, support forums
Gender Creative Kids provides resources for supporting and affirming gender creative kids within their families, schools and communities. By offering information and opportunities for connection between parents and caregivers, educators, health and social service providers, researchers, activists, and children and youth across Canada, we hope to contribute towards transforming our world into a safe, affirming, and joyful place for all children.
Gender Creative Kids Canada
Audience: Public (, Primary Care (
Resource type: Practice guidelines, Printed materials including handouts, brochures and books, Websites including blogs, support forums
Guidelines for the Evaluation and Treatment of Dissociative Symptoms in Children and Adolescents
Developed by the International Society for the Study of Trauma and Dissociation (ISSD) Task Force on Child and Adolescents.
International Society for the Study of Trauma and Dissociation (ISSD)
Audience: Primary Care (
Resource type: Websites including blogs, support forums
Download: childguidelines-ISSTD-2003.pdf
Identification, Diagnosis and Treatment of Adolescent Depression: A Package for First Contact Health Providers
Guide to the identification, diagnosis and treatment of adolescent depression for first contact providers by Dr's Stan Kutcher and Sonia Chehil.
Audience: Primary Care (
Resource type: Printed materials including handouts, brochures and books
Download: MDD_Package_for_Health_Providers_final_July_2011.pdf
Information about OCD
Information about OCD.
Quebec Obsessive Compulsive Disorder Foundation
Audience: Public (, Primary Care (
Resource type: Websites including blogs, support forums
Information for Teachers, Coaches, Counsellors, Physicians and Dentists
Information by eating disorders support organization for professionals on how to support those with eating disorders. Sections include practical dialogues on how to talk to those with suspected eating disorders.
Hope's Garden Eating Disorders Support & Resource Centre
Audience: Primary Care (
Resource type: Printed materials including handouts, brochures and books
Management of Chronic Insomnia
This clinical tool guides primary care providers to assess and manage chronic insomnia and pharmacological options in the general adult population.
Centre for Effective Practice
Audience: Primary Care (
Resource type: Printed materials including handouts, brochures and books, Websites including blogs, support forums
National Eating Disorders Association (NEDA) website
Information for health professionals about eating disorders, including information about screening; prevention, and practice guidelines.
National Eating Disorders Association (NEDA)
Audience: Primary Care (
Resource type: Practice guidelines, Websites including blogs, support forums
Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder, OCD
Information about OCD from the National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH).
National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH)
Audience: Public (, Primary Care (
Resource type: Websites including blogs, support forums
Obsessive-compulsive disorder
Information about OCD from Wikipedia.
Audience: Public (, Primary Care (
Resource type: Websites including blogs, support forums
OCD information
Website with information about OCD.
International OCD Foundation
Audience: Public (, Primary Care (
Resource type: Websites including blogs, support forums
Primary Care Addiction Toolkit
Practical reference is for primary care health providers who have patients with substance use problems. Based on current clinical evidence and the extensive clinical experience of the editors and contributors, the toolkit provides brief answers to common clinical questions, as well as relevant clinical tools and patient resources.
Centre for Addiction and Mental Health (CAMH)
Audience: Primary Care (
Resource type: Websites including blogs, support forums
Resources for Professionals
The Academy for Eating Disorders is a global professional association committed to leadership in eating disorders research, education, treatment and prevention. Their website has information for professionals about eating disorders, as well as videos.
Academy for Eating Disorders
Audience: Primary Care (
Resource type: Movies and videos, Practice guidelines, Websites including blogs, support forums
Schizophrenia Society of Canada website
The website of the Schizophrenia Society of Canada offers various resources including: * Resources and links * Links, such as links to videos * Magazines * Articles
Schizophrenia Society of Canada
Audience: Public (, Primary Care (
Resource type: Movies and videos, Printed materials including handouts, brochures and books, Websites including blogs, support forums
Self-Injury Outreach and Support (SiOS)
As part of a collaboration between the University of Guelph and McGill University, we are a non-profit outreach initiative providing information and resources about self-injury to those who self-injure, those who have recovered, and those who want to help.
University of Guelph and McGill University
Audience: Public (, Primary Care (
Resource type: Websites including blogs, support forums
Shared Care Toolkits
Comprehensive toolkit listing mental health resources of interest to primary care.
Audience: Primary Care (
Resource type: Websites including blogs, support forums
Substance Use Awareness and Youth Engagement
This is a website for both youth and youth workers. For youth, the website provides information about substance use. For youth workers, the web site is to act as a participant resource for relevant materials that were covered during the Substance Use Awareness and Youth Engagement program to support those who work with youth to engage in conversations about the prevention of illicit substance use.
Canadian Training Institute
Audience: Public (, Primary Care (
Resource type: Websites including blogs, support forums
Very useful website for clinicians that gives detailed instructions on how to switch from one psychotropic to another.
Audience: Primary Care (
Resource type: Websites including blogs, support forums
ATTACh is an international coalition of professionals and families dedicated to helping those with attachment difficulties by sharing our knowledge, talents and resources. Website provides information about attachment difficulties.
Association for Treatment and Training in the Attachment of Children
Audience: Public (, Primary Care (
Resource type: Websites including blogs, support forums
Work and Mental Health: Information for Workers, Employers, Clinicians and Carers
Guidance and practical tools to help with work and mental health issues for workers, employers, clinicians and carers.
Royal Colleges of Psychiatrists
Audience: Public (, Primary Care (
Resource type: Websites including blogs, support forums
Youth Mental Health Kit
The Youth Mental Health: Anxiety and Depression Tool is designed to help family physicians and primary care nurse practitioners detect and manage anxiety and depression among youth patients aged 12 – 24.
Centre for Effective Practice
Audience: Primary Care (
Resource type: Printed materials including handouts, brochures and books, Websites including blogs, support forums
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