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You must REGISTER to attend this event by contacting Natasha Poushinsky at [email protected] or by calling 613.323.3471.
Daniel B. Fisher, M.D., Ph.D. is the Executive Director of the National Empowerment Center and a practicing psychiatrist at Riverside Outpatient Clinic, Wakefield, Massachusetts. Dan is known as someone who speaks openly and frankly about his recovery from schizophrenia, and his recovery and work in the field were recognized by his selection as a member of the White House Commission on Mental Health. Dan travels to all parts of the country to conduct workshops, give keynote addresses, teach classes, and organize conferences for consumers/survivors, families, and mental health providers to promote recovery of people labeled with mental illness by incorporating the principles of empowerment. He has been featured on many radio and television programs, including CNN Special Report. In addition he is a researcher having carried out research into neurotransmitters at the National Institute of Mental Health and on the ways that people recover. Along with Laurie Ahern, he developed the Empowerment Model of Recovery and the PACE/Recovery program to shift the system to a recovery orientation. He was recognized for this work by being selected for both the Clifford Beers National Mental Health Association Award and the Bazelon Center for Mental Health Law's Advocacy Award.
Robyn Priest is the Alaska Peer Support Consortium’s Executive Director. Robyn is originally from Australia, although has lived and worked in New Zealand and now lives in Alaska. She has extensive experience working in peer support and administrating and directing peer organizations and mental health non government agencies. Robyn is a certified lead auditor and peer auditor for mental health programs in New Zealand. She was also one of the people responsible for the Ontario “CSI Builder” report and the Mental Health Commission of Canada’s “Making the Case for Peer Support”. These projects involved extensive consultations with peers across Canada and, in particular, Ontario. Her true love is bringing diverse groups and people to the table to talk and learn from each other.
The Champlain Peer Network (CPN) was formed in 2008 and is a partnership of peer support initiatives (also called Consumer Survivor Initiatives or CSIs). Initially under the Eastern Regional Network (covering all of Eastern Ontario), CSIs in Champlain have been working together since the early 1990s – more recently under the “CPN” covering the Champlain area. The primary mandate of the “CPN” is to provide organizational support to member initiatives and to provide advice to the Champlain LHIN on issues relating to peer support and mental health. The membership of the CPN includes all funded CSIs, but also has broader community representation. There are peer support networks in each region of the province, funded by the Ministry of Health & Long-Term Care. All of these networks are tasked with providing CSI organizational support, participating in system planning exercises, and providing input to their Local Health Integration Networks.
Consumer/Survivor Initiatives (CSI) are peer support organizations funded by the Ministry of Health & Long-Term Care in the province of Ontario. Their funding is now administered through fourteen “Local Health Integration Networks”, who were created by the Ministry of Health to plan, evaluate, and fund health services. The Champlain Peer Network boundaries are consistent with the Champlain “LHIN”: Renfrew County, Ottawa, and Eastern Counties (Stormont, Dundas & Glengarry; Prescott-Russell) and the northern portions of Lanark, Leeds & Grenville.
Event Name
Reclaiming our Expertise: the unique role of peer-led initiatives in today's mental health system
For: General public, Professionals
Provided by: Champlain Peer Network
Date and Time
Wed Nov 16, 2011
(This event is over)
10AM - 5PM
Event Description
This conference is open to people living with mental health issues, peer support organizations, family members, and mental health organizations. Presentations will be made by Dr. Daniel Fisher and Robyn Priest (see below for bios), followed by an interactive panel discussion.You must REGISTER to attend this event by contacting Natasha Poushinsky at [email protected] or by calling 613.323.3471.
Daniel B. Fisher, M.D., Ph.D. is the Executive Director of the National Empowerment Center and a practicing psychiatrist at Riverside Outpatient Clinic, Wakefield, Massachusetts. Dan is known as someone who speaks openly and frankly about his recovery from schizophrenia, and his recovery and work in the field were recognized by his selection as a member of the White House Commission on Mental Health. Dan travels to all parts of the country to conduct workshops, give keynote addresses, teach classes, and organize conferences for consumers/survivors, families, and mental health providers to promote recovery of people labeled with mental illness by incorporating the principles of empowerment. He has been featured on many radio and television programs, including CNN Special Report. In addition he is a researcher having carried out research into neurotransmitters at the National Institute of Mental Health and on the ways that people recover. Along with Laurie Ahern, he developed the Empowerment Model of Recovery and the PACE/Recovery program to shift the system to a recovery orientation. He was recognized for this work by being selected for both the Clifford Beers National Mental Health Association Award and the Bazelon Center for Mental Health Law's Advocacy Award.
Robyn Priest is the Alaska Peer Support Consortium’s Executive Director. Robyn is originally from Australia, although has lived and worked in New Zealand and now lives in Alaska. She has extensive experience working in peer support and administrating and directing peer organizations and mental health non government agencies. Robyn is a certified lead auditor and peer auditor for mental health programs in New Zealand. She was also one of the people responsible for the Ontario “CSI Builder” report and the Mental Health Commission of Canada’s “Making the Case for Peer Support”. These projects involved extensive consultations with peers across Canada and, in particular, Ontario. Her true love is bringing diverse groups and people to the table to talk and learn from each other.
The Champlain Peer Network (CPN) was formed in 2008 and is a partnership of peer support initiatives (also called Consumer Survivor Initiatives or CSIs). Initially under the Eastern Regional Network (covering all of Eastern Ontario), CSIs in Champlain have been working together since the early 1990s – more recently under the “CPN” covering the Champlain area. The primary mandate of the “CPN” is to provide organizational support to member initiatives and to provide advice to the Champlain LHIN on issues relating to peer support and mental health. The membership of the CPN includes all funded CSIs, but also has broader community representation. There are peer support networks in each region of the province, funded by the Ministry of Health & Long-Term Care. All of these networks are tasked with providing CSI organizational support, participating in system planning exercises, and providing input to their Local Health Integration Networks.
Consumer/Survivor Initiatives (CSI) are peer support organizations funded by the Ministry of Health & Long-Term Care in the province of Ontario. Their funding is now administered through fourteen “Local Health Integration Networks”, who were created by the Ministry of Health to plan, evaluate, and fund health services. The Champlain Peer Network boundaries are consistent with the Champlain “LHIN”: Renfrew County, Ottawa, and Eastern Counties (Stormont, Dundas & Glengarry; Prescott-Russell) and the northern portions of Lanark, Leeds & Grenville.
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Last modified Oct 27, 2011 11:03pm