Northumberland County, ON
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Event Name

Emotion Regulation: Developing Emotional Intelligence
For: General public
Provided by: Centre for Treatment of Sexual Abuse and Childhood Trauma

Date and Time

Thu Sep 20 to Thu Dec 20, 2012
(Every week on Thu)
(This event is over)
5:15-6:30 pm


1049 Bank Street, Ottawa, ON, K1S 3W9

Event Description

This twelve week psycho-educational group will focus on:

* providing the skills needed to become aware of emotions
* helping with the decoding of emotions
* providing skills to effectively regulate intrusive and/or unhelpful emotions
* teaching how to identify individual needs based on emotional experiences

This group is being offered at a subsidized rate of $25.00 a session, for 12 sessions. There will be two make-up sessions for those who miss one or two of the regular group times. For those who are able to pay for all twelve weeks upfront, an additional discount of $50.00 will be offered.

The group will run out of the Ottawa Sunnyside Library, located at 1049 Bank Street, Ottawa Ontario, K1S3W9, every Thursday evening from 5:15pm-6:30pm starting on the evening of September 20th, 2012 and continuing until December 20th, 2012 (with two of these weeks accounting for make-up sessions).

If you are seeing someone who may benefit from this group please contact either Dr. Robert Bialik, at 613-739-9310 or Justine McNulty M.S.W., at 613-850-9206 to set up a screening interview.

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Events are posted as a free service to the community, however, please note that posting does not imply any endorsement or recommendation of a specific event or organization. Events are posted in the language in which they are received.
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Last modified Sep 10, 2012 4:09pm
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