British Columbia, BC
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Event Name

Treating Anxiety Disorders in Children and Adolescents - See more at:
For: Professionals
Provided by: Jack Hirose & Associates

Date and Time

Tue Jan 14, 2014 (This event is over)
9:00 - 4:00pm


4201 Lougheed Highway, Burnaby, BC, V5C 3Y6

Event Description

Anxiety disorders are the most common mental disorders found in Canadian children, with an estimated prevalence rate of 6.4 percent (Stats Canada 2009). Anxiety impairs daily functioning and hinders the overall development of children and youth. From excessive shyness and reassurance seeking, to panic attacks, school phobia, test anxiety, obsessive or compulsive behavior, anxiety can manifest itself in a myriad of ways. These symptoms impact children at home and school, while putting palpable strain the adults trying to help. The research is clear: much of what parents and other adults do to decrease the anxiety actually strengthens it by unintentionally reinforcing avoidance and rigidity. This workshop teaches seven concrete strategies that address anxiety’s quest for certainty and comfort. The strategies give teachers, counselors, school nurses, child care providers and youth workers a plan that guides children and parents out of common but powerful patterns of anxiety, and moves them toward greater autonomy, confidence and resilience.

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This event is listed under these topics

Parents, Families & Caregivers
Child and Youth Service Organizations
Females (Girls, Women)
Males (Boys, Teenagers, Men)
Primary Care (e.g. Family physicians, paediatricians, nurse practitioners)
Last modified Jan 16, 2014 3:01am
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