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Event Name

Advanced Applications in Cognitive Behavioral Therapy: 4 Day Intensive Training
For: Professionals
Provided by: Jack Hirose & Associates Inc.

Date and Time

Wed Jul 2 to Sat Jul 5, 2014 (This event is over)
8:30 - 4:30pm


35 22nd st East, Saskatoon, SK

Event Description

Jack Hirose and Associates has proudly sponsored many of Dr. David Burns’ two-day workshops over the past 10 years and during the past 5 years 1,200 therapists have attended Dr. Burns four-day intensives in Canada. The intensives will allow time for practice, individual attention, and exploring relevant personal and professional issues. He can describe it better than we can, so here’s his personal invitation to you

Dear Prospective Participant,
I was thrilled when Jack Hirose offered me the opportunity to do four-day intensives in Richmond in the Summer of 2014. This intensive will differ from my two-day workshops in several ways. First, the number of participants will be much smaller, leading to a more intimate learning environment and more opportunities for informal dialogue and feedback as you learn.
Second, after I describe and illustrate a technique, such as the Interpersonal Downward Arrow, Relationship Journal, or Externalization of Voices and Acceptance Paradox, you’ll have the opportunity to break into dyads and triads to practice and master that technique. This will give you the chance to achieve real mastery of many powerful techniques that you can use right away in your clinical work.
Third, you’ll have the chance to work on some of your own issues as part of the learning process if you choose to do so. We’re all human, and we all have the tendency to feel anxious, frustrated, inadequate, or demoralized in the course of our work and in our personal lives as well. Although this will not be a therapy group, but a training workshop, the “patient” experience can make these techniques far more meaningful, and will make you a more sensitive and effective clinician.
Fourth, we’ll cover a broad range of topics, including how to deal with:
Depression and low self-esteem • Anxiety Disorders • Relationship Problems • Addictions
This is important because patients rarely come to us with one specific problem, but nearly always suffer in many different ways, so we need a broad range of tools if we are to treat the whole person, and not just an isolated symptom.
Finally, we’ll work hard and laugh and cry together. Intensives have consistently been the most vibrant and inspirational teaching experiences I’ve ever had. I warmly invite you to join us. I’ll do everything I can to make this one of the best learning opportunities of your career. I look forward to meeting you in July!
– David Burns, M.D.
- See more at: http://www.jackhirose.com/workshop/cognitive-behavioral-020614-sask-sk/#sthash.mCyeUqP2.dpuf

More Info

1-800-456-5424 (Toll Free)


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Addictions (including Drugs, Alcohol and Gambling)
Primary Care (e.g. Family physicians, paediatricians, nurse practitioners)
Last modified Apr 9, 2014 4:36am
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