South West, ON
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Event Name

Mental Health First Aid Canada Information Session
Information Session
For: General public, Professionals
Provided by: Mental Health First Aid Canada Instructor

Date and Time

Sat Apr 4, 2015 (This event is over)
1:00 - 4:00pm


37 Royal York Road, Toronto, ON, M8V 2T3

Event Description

1 in 3 people will experience a mental health problem in their lifetime. This could be someone you know. Anyone can learn how to provide initial support and guidance with confidence. Mental Health First Aid MHFA Canada training aims to improve mental health literacy, provide knowledge & skills which will help you help others manage mental health problems. This training is appropriate for anyone: family members, friends, coworkers & management in any workplace. Find out why MHFA is important training for everyone, and more, at a free information session with a trusted and experienced MHFA instructor.

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Events are posted as a free service to the community, however, please note that posting does not imply any endorsement or recommendation of a specific event or organization. Events are posted in the language in which they are received.

This event is listed under these topics

Addictions (including Drugs, Alcohol and Gambling)
Attention Deficit Disorders (ADD/ADHD)
Behaviour and Conduct Problems
Developmental Coordination Disorder (DCD)
Eating Disorders including Anorexia and Bulimia
Fetal Alcohol and Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders (FASD)
Learning Disorders
Show All +
Last modified Mar 31, 2015 7:32am
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