Ottawa-Carleton, ON
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Event Name

Mind Over Mood: CBT Boot Camp 2-Building Core Therapist and Client Skills
For: Professionals
Provided by: Solutions On Site and Dr Christine Padesky

Date and Time

Tue Apr 5 to Wed Apr 6, 2016 (This event is over)
9:00 - 4:30pm


London, ON

Event Description

Be among one of the first therapists in Canada to learn directly from Dr. Padesky about how to link the new version of Mind Over Mood with evidence based treatment protocols!

All CBT treatments involve core therapist skills. Once these skills are mastered, it becomes comparatively easy to learn protocols for specific client disorders. In addition, there are core client skills that have been linked to rapid improvement and maintenance of treatment gains. This new version of Christine Padesky’s highly popular workshop CBT Boot Camp focuses on how therapists can use the new 2nd edition of her self-help workbook Mind Over Mood to help build core therapist and client skills.

CBT Boot Camp 2.0 is especially designed for novice and intermediate level CBT therapists who want to build and strengthen their own core clinical skills as well as understand more clearly how therapist skills parallel skills that we want to teach clients. By the end of Boot Camp, participants will achieve greater CBT fitness in the areas of: therapy structure and alliance, improving client ability to observe and self-monitor, assigning and debriefing homework relevant to specific client moods, and use of guided discovery methods (such as Socratic dialogue, thought records, behavioral experiments, and responsibility pies).

In addition, participants learn how to use MOM2 (Mind Over Mood, 2nd Ed., Greenberger & Padesky, 2016) in therapy to work more effectively with depression, anxiety disorders, anger, guilt, and shame. Previous familiarity with this workbook is not required. Participants learn how MOM2 can boost therapist skillful practice at the same time it boosts client skill development. Differences from the first edition of this best-selling workbook include: expanded sections on anxiety management including fear ladders, safety behaviors, imagery, mindfulness and acceptance methods; integration of evidence based methods drawn from positive psychology such as gratitude diaries and happiness ratings; new chapters on goal setting, relapse management, and an expanded chapter on using behavioral experiments to test assumptions. Participants will be among the first therapists in the United States to learn directly from Dr. Padesky about how to link this new version of her self-help workbook with evidence-based treatment protocols.

As part of this workshop, Dr. Padesky offers live clinical demonstrations of therapeutic responses to common therapy obstacles that often derail CBT progress. Following her demonstrations, participants engage in “obstacle courses” which are exercises designed to help therapists apply appropriate core skills in the face of these challenges.
CBT Boot Camp 2.0 features innovative participant exercises that approach familiar topics in novel ways. Workshop learning is enhanced through many live clinical demonstrations, structured participant exercises, and handouts. As always, this workshop is infused with Dr. Padesky’s signature warmth, humor, and an emphasis on practical clinical tips.

$350 plus hst, group rates available. To register, visit or e-mail [email protected]. 226-268-2397

More Info

Download: Mind Over Mood.jpg


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Addictions (including Drugs, Alcohol and Gambling)
Attention Deficit Disorders (ADD/ADHD)
Autism and Autism Spectrum Disorders
Behaviour and Conduct Problems
Developmental, Intellectual Delay and Disabilities
Eating Disorders including Anorexia and Bulimia
Learning Disorders
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Last modified Jan 7, 2016 9:30am
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