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Event Name

Walking In My Shoes (WIMS) Parent Group: Helping meeting your loved one reach their goals and access supports in the community
Regular Meeting
For: General public
Provided by: Citizen Advocacy of Ottawa

Date and Time

Tue Nov 12, 2019
(Takes place on the second Tuesday of each month.)
(This event is over)
7:00 - 9:00pm


312 Parkdale Avenue, Ottawa, ON

Event Description

Helene Courchesne, Planning Coordinator for the Person-Directed Planning and Facilitation Program will share information about supporting a loved one to access community resources, and available government-funded supports while supporting your loved one to exercise their rights and to express their choices and decisions.
Join us to learn some tips and strategies to support independence and personal growth for your loved one.
Call 613-761-9522 x 236 to register or if you have any questions.

More Info

613-761-9522, ext. 236


Events are posted as a free service to the community, however, please note that posting does not imply any endorsement or recommendation of a specific event or organization. Events are posted in the language in which they are received.

This event is listed under these topics

Developmental, Intellectual Delay and Disabilities
Parents, Families & Caregivers
Those (non-professionals) engaged in the care and support of the person with the mental health condition
Last modified Nov 9, 2019 5:25pm
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