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Event Name

Strengthening Families for the Future

Date and Time

Mon Jan 28 to Mon May 5, 2008 (This event is over)


Ottawa, ON, K1N 1C7

Event Description

Strenghtening Families for the Future (S.F.F.F.) is a proven prevention program for addressing substance use problems by reducing risk factors and enhancing protective factors within the family. The S.F.F.F. was designed for use with families who have children between seven and 11 years, where a parent has experienced substance use problems. The program can also be used with any family. The major objectives of the S.F.F.F. program are to: -improve family relations by; imrpoving family communication and by improving family orgtanization and planning - increase parenting skills by: increasing positive attention and praise, increasing parents' empathy for the child, increasing effective discipline skills - increase children's life skills by: increasing communication, problem solving and peer resistance skills, improving recognition of feelings, reducing use of alcohol and other drugs, and intentions to use. This is a 14 week program offered every week for a duration of 3 hours/week. Meals and child-care are provided.

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This event is listed under these topics

Addictions (including Drugs, Alcohol and Gambling)
Education and Training (including Schools)
Parents, Families & Caregivers
Child and Youth Service Organizations
Counselling and Therapy
Alternative Schools
School Boards
Basic Needs
Last modified Jan 17, 2008 9:24am
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