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Event Name

Feeling Good Together: Mastering the New Cognitive Interpersonal Therapy with Dr. David Burns
For: Professionals

Date and Time

Mon Nov 24 to Tue Nov 25, 2008 (This event is over)


Mississauga, ON, L5W 1G3

Event Description

COGNITIVE INTERPERSONAL THERAPY (CIT) is a new treatment model developed by Dr. Burns to help patients resolve conflicts and develop more satisfying personal relationships. CIT differs from cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) both in theory and in treatment techniques. CIT is based on the idea that individuals in conflict yearn for more satisfying and rewarding relationships. At the same time, darker and more devious motives compete with the desire for intimacy and understanding. The failure to address these darker motives can lead to errors in case conceptualization, stiff patient resistance, and treatment failure.
In this workshop, Dr. Burns will illustrate a basic, flexible approach that can be used to help patients with a wide range of relationship conflicts. You’ll learn how to deal with angry patients who blame others and resist change. Dr. Burns will highlight paradoxical methods to boost motivation and empower the patient. While the primary emphasis will be on helping individuals deal with relationship conflicts, Dr. Burns will also illustrate methods for working with troubled couples.
During the workshop, you’ll have the opportunity to work on a conflict you’ve experienced with a family member, colleague or patient so that you can gain a personal perspective as well as a solid clinical understanding of these new techniques. Teaching methods will include didactic presentations, Q&A, exercises for participants, and role-play demonstrations.

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This event is listed under these topics

Family, Marital, and Couple Therapy
Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT)
Last modified Sep 6, 2008 6:52am
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