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Community Café. This free event is part of the University of the Fraser Valley, Facilitator Training Program, developed by professional facilitator and UFV instructor, Peter B. Raabe, PH.D. Facilitated by senior UFV Psychology/Philosophy students and hosted by the Chilliwack Mood Disorders Group, this is actually a monthly event in Chilliwack. The topic for the café taking place during Mental Health Week will be "Observing & Interpreting Behaviour & Knowing When Intervention is Necessary".
Event Name
Chilliwack Mental Health Week Community Cafe
For: General public, Professionals
Date and Time
Sat May 9, 2009
(This event is over)
Event Description
From 1:00 pm - 3:00 pmCommunity Café. This free event is part of the University of the Fraser Valley, Facilitator Training Program, developed by professional facilitator and UFV instructor, Peter B. Raabe, PH.D. Facilitated by senior UFV Psychology/Philosophy students and hosted by the Chilliwack Mood Disorders Group, this is actually a monthly event in Chilliwack. The topic for the café taking place during Mental Health Week will be "Observing & Interpreting Behaviour & Knowing When Intervention is Necessary".
More Info

Events are posted as a free service to the community, however, please note that posting does not imply any
endorsement or recommendation of a specific event or organization. Events are posted in the language in
which they are received.
Last modified Apr 3, 2009 3:13pm