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Event Name

Eating Disorders Self-Help Group
For: General public, Professionals

Date and Time

Mon Sep 21 to Mon Nov 30, 2009
(Every week on Mon)
(This event is over)


Ottawa, ON, K1N 1H5

Event Description

Hopewell Eating Disorder Support Centre will be running a weekly Self-Help Group beginning September 21st.
The group meets face-to-face to give and receive peer support and information. It is an informal network of individuals who share common struggles with food, weight and body image. This group is meant to complement, rather than replace services such as counseling and in-patient care.
Hopewell's self-help group is for individuals over the age of 17, who are struggling with anorexia, bulimia, binge eating or disordered eating. The participant's primary issue is that he or she restricts, binges and/or purges, compulsively eats, or chronically diets, but not to the point where medical intervention is clearly needed.
When: Monday Evenings, 6:30-8:00pm.
Cost: $20
To register, arrive 5 minutes early for the group and the facilitator will provide you with a registration form. Also, please sign up online to let us know you're coming.

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Last modified Sep 8, 2009 9:37pm
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