Ottawa-Carleton, ON

Attachment Therapies :

A online directory of qualified therapists in who offer Reduced Rate and Sliding Scale services in Canada. Serving Vancouver, Calgary, Edmonton, Toronto, Montreal, Ottawa, Winnipeg, and beyond. more
ON, Canada
Area Served: Manitoba
All ages
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Registered charity dedicated to providing information, education and resources to families and adults regarding attachment disruptions and issues. more
1 St. Edmund's Drive, Toronto, ON, M4N 2P6 Map
Area Served: Canada
All ages
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Worldwide body that promotes Dyadic Developmental Psychotherapy (DDP) and supports professionals, parents and caregivers in finding out about the therapy and ... more
417 Reigerts Lane, Annville, PA, 17003 Map
717-867-8335 x201
Area Served: World
All ages
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