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Event Name

Personality Structure and Its Implications for Psychotherapy
For: Professionals
Provided by: Medipsy Psychological Services

Date and Time

Thu Mar 1, 2018 (This event is over)
9:00 - 4:00pm


149 Somerset St. W., Ottawa, ON, K2P 0H7

Event Description

Many of us chose a vocation in psychotherapy because we were fascinated with individual differences. Research findings support this focus: personality and relationship variables consistently show a greater influence on outcome than type of treatment. This workshop will conceptualize personality differences as they are presented in the Psychodynamic Diagnostic Manual, second edition (2017).
Dr. McWilliams will describe personality dimensionally, contextually, and inferentially, with attention to subjective experience, repetitive themes, defensive patterns, central conflicts, self-esteem maintenance, and relational patterns rather than observable “traits.” Throughout the day, the focus will be on the practical value of understanding clients’ personalities in depth, whether or not the personality is “disordered”. This focus facilitates adaptation to clients’ individual styles of learning and changing as they address the problems that constitute the central focus of treatment.
Although some background in basic psychoanalytic ideas will be helpful, neither an in-depth familiarity with psychoanalysis nor a commitment to psychodynamic approaches is necessary to benefit from the day. The workshop is oriented toward an inclusive, diverse population of therapists of all theoretical orientations who struggle with short or long-term issues rooted in personality in a range of settings. Emphasis will be on the practical applications of the concepts.

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Events are posted as a free service to the community, however, please note that posting does not imply any endorsement or recommendation of a specific event or organization. Events are posted in the language in which they are received.

This event is listed under these topics

Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD)
Mood Disorders
Attachment Problems
Mental Health in General
Primary Care (e.g. Family physicians, paediatricians, nurse practitioners)
Last modified Sep 29, 2017 4:31pm
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