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Event Name

Integrative Medicine and Psychiatry: Does Improving Nutrition, Exercise, Sleep and Stress Management Actually Improve Mental Health? Presented by Dr. Linda Plowright, MD
For: General public, Professionals
Provided by: CPRI

Date and Time

Wed Jan 16, 2019 (This event is over)
9:00 - 4:00pm


600 Sanatorium Rd, London, ON, N6H 3W7

Event Description

The Arizona Center for Integrative Medicine defines integrative medicine as “healing-oriented medicine that takes account of the whole person, including all aspects of lifestyle. It emphasizes the therapeutic relationship between practitioner and patient, is informed by evidence, and makes use of all appropriate therapies”. This approach to health can lead to greater job satisfaction for mental health professionals and can result in care which is has less potential for harm and is more efficacious and cost effective. This workshop will discuss how these principles can be applied to psychiatry and will involve a mix of didactic learning (on topics such as How Nutrition Impacts Mental Health, Supplements and Botanicals and Prescribing Exercise), intermixed with hands on learning of techniques (such as Breath work, Mindfulness and Clinical Hypnosis).

Learning Objectives:
1. Discuss the principles of integrative medicine and how this relates to psychiatry and mental health
2. Discuss how this type of practice could benefit both clients and professionals
3. Provide practical guidelines for mental health professionals to incorporate integrative medicine into their practice.

More Info

519-858-2774 x5554
1-877-494-2774 x5554 (Toll Free)


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This event is listed under these topics

Sleep Problems and Disorders
Resiliency and Coping
Mental Health in General
Last modified Nov 23, 2018 2:35pm
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