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Event Name

Anxiety Disorders in Children & Adolescents with Dr. Paul Foxman
For: Professionals

Date and Time

Mon Dec 1 to Tue Dec 2, 2008 (This event is over)


Mississauga, ON, L5W 1G3

Event Description

ANXIETY DISORDERS are now recognized as the most common, chronic and costly emotional conditions encountered in healthcare settings. The soaring trend towards anxiety has been accelerated by global stress and high-profile threats, such as terrorism, school violence, child kidnappings, and other dangers. The increasing rate of traumas to children, which also include divorce, family breakdown, violence in society and the media, and a failing school system, has produced a “shell shocked” generation suffering from anxiety in many cases. Our challenge is to recognize anxiety in children and help them cope.
This workshop presents a model for how and why anxiety develops in children and adolescents, and provides practical assessment and treatment strategies that can be applied immediately by healthcare professionals in their various settings. Seven key anxiety disorders will be addressed with case examples: separation anxiety disorder, panic disorder, overanxious disorder, obsessive-compulsive disorder, social anxiety disorder, phobias, and post-traumatic stress disorder. Emphasis will be on creative psychotherapeutic interventions involving insight-oriented, cognitive-behavioral, biological, spiritual, and family systems approaches.

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This event is listed under these topics

Child and Youth Counsellors
Parents, Families & Caregivers
Counselling and Therapy
School Refusal (and School Phobia)
Last modified Sep 6, 2008 6:52am
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