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Event Name

Supervision: The Evolution of Practice
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For: Professionals
Provided by: Ontario Association of Mental Health Professionals

Date and Time

Fri May 12, 2023 (This event is over)
9:00 - 5:00pm


33 Gerrard St W, Toronto, ON, M5G 1Z4

Event Description

Clinical supervision is a complex topic.

It's a distinct professional practice that requires specific training, knowledge, and skills separate from those required to be a mental health professional.

Whether you’re a student looking for a supervisor – or an established psychotherapist looking to help a student launch their career – the Supervision: The Evolution of Practice event is designed to help you learn the elements of best practice for supervision.

The event will:

- Create space for you to share your experiences and questions with peers and colleagues who may be walking the same path – or who have been in your shoes.

- Teach you strategies for finding an ideal placement (if you’re a student) – or how to find an ideal supervisee (if you’re a supervisor).

- Help you learn what becoming a supervisor entails and understand what it takes to develop a successful supervisory practice.

- Demonstrate what good supervision looks like - for both supervisors and supervisees.

Who should attend: Mental health professionals in all stages of the supervisory experience.

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Last modified Apr 17, 2023 11:03am
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