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Key Resources in Ontario

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Everyone wants to be happy, content and healthy. Unfortunately, anyone can become stressed, overwhelmed, or have problems with moods, feelings and behaviours. Common mental health problems include anxiety, depression, eating disorders and addictions. Fortunately, help is available.


This guide has more information about the types of mental health help, supports and services that may be helpful for you, a family member or loved one.

Crisis Lines including Telephone, Online and Chat

Are you in a crisis? Crisis lines offer free, immediate and confidential one-on-one assistance to callers in need and usually operate 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. They are generally staffed by either paid professionals, or trained volunteers. They will listen, offer support and advice, and if necessary, will try to help the caller get connected to help in his/her community. 

All ages
TTY: 416-408-0007
16 years and up
416-929-5200 x4169299897
All ages
416-533-8538 (Crisis Line)
TTY: 416-533-3736
Fax: 416-533-7867
All ages
416-597-8808 (Crisis Line)
Fax: 416-597-9648
All ages
613-544-1771 (Crisis Line)
All ages
1-866-996-0991 (Toll Free)
16 years and up
613-562-2333 (Crisis Line)
TTY: 613-562-3860
All ages
TTY: 613-725-1657
All ages
1-800-567-9699 (Toll Free)
All ages
1-866-996-0991 (Crisis Line)
Fax: 613-632-7871
All ages
1-800-675-6168 (Toll Free)
Fax: 613-673-1405
All ages
1-800-661-0340 (Toll Free)
1-866-996-0991 (Crisis Line)
Fax: 613-735-3210
All ages
1-800-461-1842 (Toll Free)
1-800-267-4101 (Crisis Line)
16 years and up
1-800-267-0395 (Toll Free)

System Navigation, including Information and Referral Services

Are you looking for help, but don't know where to get started?


Consider contacting an Information and Referral (I & R) service, which can help you to 1) Find out about resources (i.e. 'information'), and 2) Connect you to those resources (i.e. 'referral').

Up to 21 years
1-877-377-7775 (Toll Free)
16 years and up
All ages
Fax: 613-722-2225
All ages
All ages
Fax: 416-922-6624
All ages
416-392-4605 x18008363238
All ages
16 years and up
1-888-640-1934 (Toll Free)
Fax: 416-499-9716
All ages
1-866-746-7818 (Toll Free)
TTY: 1-888-340-1001
Fax: 705-445-1516
All ages
1-877-761-9076 (Toll Free)
Fax: 613-761-9077
All ages
613-745-4818 x6137453665 (Crisis Line)
TTY: 613-741-3556
Fax: 613-741-7029

Walk-In Counselling

Looking for an appointment the same day, or within a few days? Walk-in counselling clinics provide counseling services, without a need to book a long time in advance. They can be helpful for many issues such as family conflict, stress, grief, depression, anxiety, relationship issues, separation, divroce or abuse. Most of the time, no appointment is required, though some clinics may require you to call ahead the same day to book appointments for that day. 

There are no local resources for this category. Suggest a local resource
All ages
Fax: 613-722-2225
Up to 7 years
13 - 29 years
Up to 29 years
3 - 24 years
Fax: 416-240-7999
6 years and up
416-645-6000 x1100
12 - 24 years
Fax: 416-967-7515
6 years and up
Fax: 613-233-9881
All ages
Fax: 613-739-8199

E-Counseling, E-Therapy, Virtual Therapy, Distance Therapy

Online therapy (aka e-counseling, distance therapy) is  therapy delivered by a real person over the internet. 


Traditionally therapy has been face-to-face, but especially since the pandemic of 2020, most providers offer remote and virtual services such as video chat (through Facetime, Skype, Zoom, MS Teams, etc.).

Up to 7 years
18 years and up
1-800-387-6198 (Toll Free)
All ages
1-866-867-5787 (Toll Free)
1-866-867-5787 (Crisis Line)
All ages
647-479-9611 x5
1-844-900-2263 x5 (Toll Free)
All ages
613-745-4818 x6137453665 (Crisis Line)
TTY: 613-741-3556
Fax: 613-741-7029
18 years and up
888-999-8101 (Toll Free)

E-Therapy Websites and Online Therapy Websites

Websites that provide online therapy, and which are automated and NOT delivered by an actual human being.


Examples include online CBT websites that teach CBT online. 


Because there are so many websites that provide internet delivered therapy, we are not able to list all the websites out there, but rather focus on websites which are publicly funded, freely available and supported by evidence.

All ages
647-479-9611 x5
1-844-900-2263 x5 (Toll Free)
18 years and up
888-999-8101 (Toll Free)
16 years and up
1-833-631-9355 (Toll Free)
911 (Crisis Line)
Fax: 905-631-1400
All ages
Fax: 519-489-1397
All ages
226-918-5528 (Crisis Line)
All ages
1-844-900-2263 (Toll Free)
18 years and up
1-833-317-7233 (Toll Free)
16 years and up
All ages
All ages
All ages

Hospital Emergency Department

Is there an emergency such as medical or mental health emergency? If less intense options (e.g. calling a crisis line) are not possible or haven't helped, then it may be helpful to visit the local hospital Emergency Department. Typical mental health emergencies include:

* thoughts of suicide to the point where the person requires emergency help to keep them from ending their life; 

* manic episode or psychosis where a person is behaving in an irrational way with inability to function. 


There are no local resources for this category. Suggest a local resource
All ages
All ages
TTY: 416-438-5802
All ages
TTY: 416-530-6820
16 years and up
TTY: 613-761-4024
All ages
613-283-2330 x1129
All ages

Emergency Shelter and Housing

There are various shelters that people can use when they have no place to go.


Emergency shelters are places for people to live temporarily when they don't have a place to stay. Emergency shelters (such as women's shelters) are primarily meant for those fleeing an abusive relationship, sexual abuse or domestic violence. Some shelters limit their clientele by gender or age.


Homeless shelters are temporary places to stay, usually meant for homeless people. Usually located in downtown areas, they are similar to emergency shelters. The main difference is that homeless shelters are usually open to anyone, without regard to the reason for need. Some shelters limit their clientele by gender or age.

13 - 24 years
1-800-435-7308 (Toll Free)
Fax: 416-204-7030
All ages
647-479-9611 x5
1-844-900-2263 x5 (Toll Free)
All ages
All ages
Fax: 416-923-1067
12 - 24 years
Fax: 416-967-7515
Up to 24 years
1-800-416-5111 (Toll Free)
Fax: 416-597-1081
All ages
613-234-5181 (Crisis Line)
TTY: 613-234-5393
Up to 24 years
All ages
Fax: 905-528-6967

Finances and Money

This section has resources about finances, money, grants, subsidies and other related information. This is not an exhaustive list of resources and services, but highlights those which might be of interest to individuals with mental health issues.

Up to 24 years
1-800-416-5111 (Toll Free)
Fax: 416-597-1081
All ages
613-745-4818 x6137453665 (Crisis Line)
TTY: 613-741-3556
Fax: 613-741-7029
18 years and up
16 years and up
1-800-493-8271 (Toll Free)
All ages
16 years and up
16 - 24 years
613-525-4888 x230
All ages
705-549-3181 x2219
16 years and up
1-866-285-2642 (Toll Free)
16 years and up
519-941-4357 x9055844357
1-800-265-9178 (Toll Free)
519-941-4357 x9055844357 (Crisis Line)
TTY: 519-942-1651
Fax: 519-942-8243

Child Welfare including Children's Aid Society (CAS)

The child welfare / child protection system is a group of services that promote the well-being of children by protecting children from abuse or neglect, ensuring they are safe, and strengthening families so that they can successfully care for their children.

All ages
Fax: 416-395-1581
All ages
416-924-4646 (Crisis Line)
Fax: 416-928-0706
All ages
1-866-367-5968 (Toll Free)
Fax: 416-367-5969
All ages
613-264-9991 x18666649991
12 - 17 years
1-877-469-6650 (Toll Free)
All ages
705-946-3700 x18004650999
Up to 18 years
905-522-8053 (Crisis Line)
Up to 18 years
705-544-5437 x18006655437
All ages
1-800-675-6168 (Toll Free)
Fax: 613-673-1405
Up to 16 years
1-888-426-9177 (Toll Free)
16 - 24 years
613-525-4888 x230
Up to 16 years
1-800-461-4236 x7057266587

Family Physicians

Family physicians provide a great deal of mental health services for their patients, in addition to standard medical care. In cases where a patient requires more specialized care, a family physician can provide help on where to go for additional help and support.

All ages
1-877-672-4079 (Toll Free)
Fax: 519-672-6945
All ages
1-866-437-7606 (Toll Free)
All ages
Fax: 613-636-1140
All ages
1-888-204-2221 (Toll Free)

Addictions (including Drugs, Alcohol and Gambling)

"Addictions" refers to problems using drugs or alcohol or other problem behaviours. Gambling can also be addictive and can cause severe financial, emotional, and relationship problems.

16 years and up
8 years and up
Fax: 613-440-0053
All ages
Fax: 613-722-2225
All ages
18 - 70 years
1-855-787-2424 (Toll Free)
13 - 25 years
416-234-1942 x18008366209
16 years and up
18 years and up
1-855-939-1009 (Toll Free)
16 years and up
1-888-785-2779 (Toll Free)
13 - 21 years
Fax: 416-482-5055

Self-help, Mutual Aid and Support Groups

Self-help, mutual aid and support groups are non-profit, voluntary organizations which provide support to individuals who share a common experience.


As defined by the International Network of Mutual Help centres, self-help groups are non-profit; open to members of the general public who share a common experience; meet face-to-face on a regular, ongoing basis, and are open to new members; provide mutual support through discussion and sharing of information and experiences. Members use their individual strengths to support each other, and can use their collective strengths to promote social change; Run by and for group members. Although professional (health care) providers may participate at the request of the group, their role stays that of a consultant.

Mental Health in General

All ages
16 years and up
All ages
1-800-387-6198 (Toll Free)
All ages
647-479-9611 x5
1-844-900-2263 x5 (Toll Free)
All ages
Fax: 416-769-9912
All ages
1-877-896-3253 (Toll Free)
12 - 24 years
Fax: 416-967-7515
All ages
Fax: 905-452-1036

Addictions (including Drugs, Alcohol and Gambling)

All ages
16 years and up
All ages
1-800-387-6198 (Toll Free)
All ages
1-877-896-3253 (Toll Free)
12 - 24 years
Fax: 416-967-7515
All ages
Fax: 905-452-1036
All ages
All ages
1-888-811-3887 (Toll Free)
Up to 24 years
1-855-775-7005 (Toll Free)
18 years and up
1-877-550-4879 (Toll Free)


All ages
All ages
1-800-983-1795 (Toll Free)
16 years and up
All ages
1-800-387-6198 (Toll Free)
All ages
647-479-9611 x5
1-844-900-2263 x5 (Toll Free)
All ages
1-877-896-3253 (Toll Free)
12 - 24 years
Fax: 416-967-7515
All ages
Fax: 905-452-1036
18 years and up
Fax: 613-737-7644
Up to 24 years
1-855-775-7005 (Toll Free)


All ages
1-800-565-3000 (Toll Free)
All ages
All ages
1-800-983-1795 (Toll Free)
16 years and up
All ages
1-800-387-6198 (Toll Free)
All ages
647-479-9611 x5
1-844-900-2263 x5 (Toll Free)
All ages
1-877-896-3253 (Toll Free)
12 - 24 years
Fax: 416-967-7515
All ages
Fax: 905-452-1036
18 years and up
Fax: 613-737-7644

Schizophrenia and Psychosis

16 years and up
All ages
Fax: 905-452-1036
Up to 24 years
1-855-775-7005 (Toll Free)
18 years and up
1-877-550-4879 (Toll Free)
10 years and up
16 years and up
1-800-493-8271 (Toll Free)
All ages
1-800-675-6168 (Toll Free)
Fax: 613-673-1405
12 years and up
1-800-461-4319 (Toll Free)
705-728-5044 (Crisis Line)
Fax: 705-726-8629
12 years and up
1-800-461-4319 (Toll Free)
1-888-893-8333 (Crisis Line)
TTY: avail

Eating Disorders including Anorexia and Bulimia

16 years and up
All ages
1-800-387-6198 (Toll Free)
17 years and up
All ages
1-877-896-3253 (Toll Free)
12 - 24 years
Fax: 416-967-7515
All ages
Fax: 905-452-1036
All ages
18 years and up
1-877-550-4879 (Toll Free)
10 years and up
All ages
1-800-675-6168 (Toll Free)
Fax: 613-673-1405
12 years and up
1-800-461-4319 (Toll Free)
1-888-893-8333 (Crisis Line)
TTY: avail
18 years and up
1-800-324-3252 (Toll Free)
Fax: 705-719-0908
18 years and up
1-833-304-8181 (Toll Free)
Fax: 1-833-222-8303

Autism and Autism Spectrum Disorders

All ages
1-800-983-1795 (Toll Free)
All ages
Fax: 905-452-1036
16 years and up
1-855-638-5649 (Toll Free)
All ages
613-830-4196 x300
Fax: 613-830-4196
10 years and up
All ages
1-800-675-6168 (Toll Free)
Fax: 613-673-1405
Up to 18 years
1-877-996-1599 (Toll Free)
12 years and up
1-800-461-4319 (Toll Free)
1-888-893-8333 (Crisis Line)
TTY: avail
All ages
705-721-8607 x7057970608

Learning Disorders

All ages
All ages
1-800-983-1795 (Toll Free)
16 years and up
12 - 24 years
Fax: 416-967-7515
All ages
Fax: 905-452-1036
All ages
Fax: 613-722-7881
18 years and up
1-877-550-4879 (Toll Free)
10 years and up
All ages
1-800-675-6168 (Toll Free)
Fax: 613-673-1405
All ages
Fax: 613-525-4699
12 years and up
1-800-461-4319 (Toll Free)
1-888-893-8333 (Crisis Line)
TTY: avail
18 years and up
1-800-324-3252 (Toll Free)
Fax: 705-719-0908


Most hospitals have mental health services which may include Psychologists, Psychiatrists, Social Workers and other professionals. Programs offered typically include:

  • Outpatient programs, where one comes to the hospital for mental health services;
  • Day treatment, or partial hospitalization programs, where a person comes for treatment for longer periods or more frequently, for more intensive therapy than one would receive from simply seeing an outpatient therapist or clinician;
  • Inpatient programs, where a person is admitted to hospital in order to provide a high level of supervision and care until the condition improves enough so that the person can be treated as an outpatient.
16 years and up
All ages
All ages
1-800-387-6198 (Toll Free)
All ages
1-866-867-5787 (Toll Free)
1-866-867-5787 (Crisis Line)
All ages
416-242-1000 x81200
All ages
TTY: 416-586-8301
All ages
TTY: 416-438-5802
All ages
TTY: 416-530-6820

Counselling and Therapy

Counselling and therapy can be helpful for dealing with a wide variety of issues (e.g. stress and coping, relationship problems) and mental health conditions (e.g. depression, anxiety, etc.)

16 years and up
Up to 18 years
1-800-565-4839 (Toll Free)
All ages
438-321-1564 x4504587271
All ages
Fax: 613-523-3617
All ages
Up to 7 years
1 - 18 years
All ages
All ages
18 years and up

Psychologists and Psychological Associates

Psychologists and psychological associates help people solve problems with mood, behaviour or relationships. They perform assessment of, and provide diagnoses and treatment of mental health difficulties for children, adults, couples, and families who present with cognitive, emotional and behavioural challenges. They also perform psychoeducational testing for individuals with learning difficulties. They may use therapies such as cognitive behaviour therapy (CBT), behavioural therapies.


They may work as part of an agency, or in "private practice" (which means they will require payment from the client, or the client's private or work insurance).

12 - 24 years
Fax: 416-482-5055
All ages
1-800-387-6198 (Toll Free)
18 years and up
1-800-387-6198 (Toll Free)
14 years and up
1-800-387-6198 (Toll Free)
All ages
647-479-9611 x5
1-844-900-2263 x5 (Toll Free)
Up to 18 years
416-622-8833 x258
Fax: 416-622-7068
Up to 18 years


Psychiatrists are medical doctors who have received specialized training in diagnosis and treatment of mental health conditions (such as psychotherapy and medication treatment). Some work in hospitals or mental health agencies. They may also work  on their own in "private practice." Because physicians are publicly-funded, one does not need to pay any fees to see a psychiatrist, even for those in private practice.


Looking for a psychiatrist? The best way to see a psychiatrist is to speak to your family doctor to ask about whether seeing a psychiatrist would be helpful. Seeing a psychiatrist requires a referral from your physician.


Looking for a list of psychiatrists in your area? Unfortunately, because demand for psychiatrists is so high, and they are relatively few, it is very difficult to find any lists of psychiatrists. The best option is usually to contact the medical licensing body for whichever province you are in (for example, in Ontario, you would contact the College of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario.)


Consider seeing a psychologist instead! Psychologists are similar to psychiatrists as they can both provide mental health assessment, diagnosis and treatment. Although psychologists do not treat using medications, the good news is for most conditions, non-medication treatments make a huge difference, such that many times, medications are not even required.  View psychologists in your area.

All ages
1-800-387-6198 (Toll Free)
18 years and up
1-800-387-6198 (Toll Free)
Up to 18 years
416-622-8833 x258
Fax: 416-622-7068
All ages
1-877-896-3253 (Toll Free)
16 years and up
TTY: 613-761-4024
All ages
613-722-6521 x6270
1-877-683-4403 (Toll Free)

Social Workers

Social workers help people to deal with problems in their personal, family or work life. They help by providing counselling or therapy, or by helping people find necessary resources. Social workers can work in many settings, including family services agencies, children's aid agencies, hospitals, and schools. Many social workers also work in private practice.

All ages
Fax: 613-722-2225
18 years and up
TTY: 416-340-6642
Fax: 416-340-8022
13 - 21 years
Fax: 416-482-5055
18 years and up
1-800-387-6198 (Toll Free)
All ages
647-479-9611 x5
1-844-900-2263 x5 (Toll Free)
Up to 18 years
416-622-8833 x258
Fax: 416-622-7068
All ages
Fax: 416-923-1067
18 years and up
Fax: 416-324-4181


Psychotherapists provide psychotherapy (aka "talk therapy") and help individuals with difficulties by listening and giving support. 


Special training is required in order to become a psychotherapist.


Various types of professionals such as Social Workers or Psychologists provide psychotherapy, and can thus be viewed as being psychotherapists as well. 

All ages
1-877-672-4079 (Toll Free)
Fax: 519-672-6945
18 years and up
1-855-939-1009 (Toll Free)
13 - 21 years
Fax: 416-482-5055
All ages
1-800-387-6198 (Toll Free)
18 years and up
1-800-387-6198 (Toll Free)
All ages
647-479-9611 x5
1-844-900-2263 x5 (Toll Free)
All ages
Fax: 416-923-1067
18 years and up
Fax: 416-324-4181

Occupational Therapists

Occupational therapists (OT) help people function in school or work through learning skills, or by adapting their work or school environment. OTs can assist with mental health by teaching sensory processing and self-regulation strategies; help with fine and gross motor.


OTs usually work with organizations such as schools or through the school board, and some also work in private practices.

16 years and up
1-888-785-2779 (Toll Free)
All ages
1-800-387-6198 (Toll Free)
All ages
1-877-896-3253 (Toll Free)
All ages
1-877-289-3997 (Toll Free)
All ages
1-866-437-7606 (Toll Free)
Up to 16 years
1-800-575-3210 (Toll Free)
Up to 18 years
705-544-5437 x18006655437

Legal and Justice Resources

This section has various legal resources including legal aid, and forensic resources. Forensic resources refers to resources for individuals with mental health problems who have had troubles with the law. This is not an exhaustive list of resources and services, but highlights those which might be of interest to individuals with mental health issues.

16 years and up
1-888-785-2779 (Toll Free)
13 - 29 years
All ages
1-855-924-3708 (Toll Free)
Fax: 416-924-3367
All ages
647-479-9611 x5
1-844-900-2263 x5 (Toll Free)
16 years and up
All ages
416-653-5400 x4166535400
All ages
1-866-222-2138 (Toll Free)
TTY: 613-725-6175
All ages
1-800-363-9020 (Toll Free)
All ages
613-745-4818 x6137453665 (Crisis Line)
TTY: 613-741-3556
Fax: 613-741-7029
Something missing from our directory? Help your community by suggesting a resource!
Can't find what you were looking for? Contact an information and referral service.
Resource Lists by Other Organizations
Catchment: LHIN Champlain
“Red Flags” is a Quick Reference Guide for Early Years professionals.Red Flags outlines a range of functional indicators or domains commonly used to monitor healthy child development, as well as potential problem areas for child development. It is intended to assist in the determination of when and where to refer for additional advice, formal assessment and/or treatment.
Posted: Sep 28, 2015
Language: EN
Catchment: LHIN Champlain
"From Rollercoaster to Recovery" is a detailed guide for families and individuals on how to navigate the addictions and mental health system in the Champlain LHIN.
Posted: May 2, 2013
Language: EN,FR
Ottawa Public Health (OPH)
Catchment: LHIN Champlain
List of mental health resources and supports located throughout the Ottawa area (Champlain LHIN).
Posted: Aug 16, 2017
Language: EN,FR
Community Resource Connections of Toronto (CRCT)
Catchment: Toronto
Finding mental health services can be complicated, especially for newcomers. This guide for newcomers helps with navigating and finding mental health services in Toronto.
Posted: Jun 21, 2015
Language: EN
Catchment: Toronto
List of numerous organizations and supports services that provide services to gay, bi, and queer men, including trans and 2-spirit men, and other men who have sex with men.
Posted: May 4, 2020
Language: EN
Catchment: Central West
A directory of resources, organizations and services in Waterloo Region, Wellington County, and Dufferin County.
Posted: Jul 19, 2012
Language: EN
Ottawa Public Health (OPH)
Catchment: Ottawa-Carleton
The Resource Guide – Greater Ottawa Area [PDF 11.8 MB] reflects mental health resources and supports located throughout the Ottawa area (Champlain LHIN). This guide is not an exhaustive list of all supportive services, but rather a starting point – feel free to explore how these resources could assist you (the caregiver) or the person you care for (child, youth, adult, older adult) on the journey to recovery.
Posted: Sep 22, 2016
Language: EN,FR
Catchment: Ottawa-Carleton
Concise list of mental health and addictions services in Ottawa area.
Posted: Dec 10, 2018
Language: EN,FR
Royal Ottawa Mental Health Centre
Catchment: Ottawa-Carleton
List of Addiction Resources from the Royal Ottawa.
Posted: Feb 28, 2017
Language: EN
Catchment: Ottawa-Carleton
Posted: Jul 4, 2014
Language: EN,FR
Children's Hospital of Eastern Ontario (CHEO)
Catchment: Ottawa-Carleton
A map of child/youth mental health services in Ottawa, Ontario, Canada. If printed out, it is meant to be printed out on legal size and poster size, and posted in waiting areas or in a clinic.
Posted: Mar 17, 2017
Language: EN
Catchment: Ottawa-Carleton
Concise list of Ottawa area mental health resources for youth prepared by Youthnet, a program of the Children's Hospital of Eastern Ontario (CHEO).
Posted: Feb 22, 2015
Language: EN,FR
Catchment: Ottawa-Carleton
Longer list of Ottawa area mental health resources prepared by Youthnet, a progam of the Children's Hospital of Eastern Ontario (CHEO).
Posted: Feb 23, 2015
Language: EN
Autism Society of Ontario, Ottawa Chapter
Catchment: Ottawa-Carleton
Comprehensive directory of autism spectrum disorder (ASD) services.
Posted: Aug 26, 2015
Language: EN
Gender and Sexuality Resource Centre (GSRC)
Catchment: Ottawa-Carleton
Resource guide for trans individuals and communities that provides information about useful resources in Ottawa from Carleton University.
Posted: Mar 3, 2017
Language: EN
Autism Program, Children's Hospital of Eastern Ontario
Catchment: Ottawa-Carleton
List of community services for children/youth with autism in area of Ottawa, Ontario.
Posted: Apr 26, 2016
Language: EN
CHEO Autism Program
Catchment: Ottawa-Carleton
Easy to use navigation flowchart that shows the key community agencies in Ottawa that serve children/youth with autism spectrum disorders (ASD).
Posted: Apr 27, 2016
Language: EN
First Words
Catchment: Ottawa-Carleton
First Words keeps a list of Private Speech Pathologists who see children in the Ottawa area. Please note that First Words does not confirm the practitioner’s certification or qualifications.
Posted: Sep 18, 2019
Language: EN,FR
Catchment: Ottawa-Carleton
List of Occupational Therapists (OTs) in private practice created by the Children’s Hospital of Eastern Ontario (CHEO) and the Ottawa Children’s Treatment Centre (OCTC).
Posted: Feb 10, 2017
Language: EN
Jewish Family Services
Catchment: Ottawa-Carleton
Looking for Ottawa health and social services in Arabic? View this handy resource guide.
Posted: Feb 28, 2017
Language: EN
Catchment: Ottawa-Carleton
List of Ottawa community resources for transitional aged youth (age 16-24).
Posted: May 13, 2015
Language: EN
Catchment: Ottawa-Carleton
Prepared by the Ottawa Chapter of Autism Ontario, the Ottawa Asperger Syndrome Resource Guide has a listing of resouces for individuals with Asperger Syndrome and their families.
Posted: Feb 28, 2015
Language: EN
Catchment: Ottawa-Carleton
List of Ottawa resources for GLBTTQ youth and their families, courtesy of the Centretown Community Health Centre.
Posted: Nov 3, 2011
Language: EN
Catchment: Renfrew County
List of key child/youth mental health resources for primary health care providers.
Posted: Apr 1, 2015
Language: EN
Cornwall Community Hospital
Catchment: Stormont, Dundas, Glengarry and the City of Cornwall
If you feel frightened or unable to cope with a situation and you need help now, there are resources and numbers that you can use to get help.
Posted: Oct 1, 2019
Language: EN,FR
Youth Net
Catchment: Stormont, Dundas, Glengarry and the City of Cornwall
Posted: Apr 25, 2016
Language: EN
Catchment: Simcoe County
Community resource list for South Simcoe by the CMHA York Region Branch.
Posted: Apr 20, 2015
Language: EN
Catchment: Middlesex County
Pamphlet of financial resources and other supports.
Posted: Jul 3, 2012
Language: EN
Catchment: Sudbury District
List of child, youth and family mental health resources for Subdury area prepared by the Ontario Centre of Excellence for Child and Youth Mental Health as part of the Mental Health Literacy Project in 2011.
Posted: Feb 24, 2011
Language: EN
Catchment: Sudbury District
Comprehensive list of mental health resources for Sudbury/Manitoulin from the Canadian Mental Health Association (CMHA) in Sudbury/Manitoulin.
Posted: Mar 28, 2012
Language: EN
Elgin St. Thomas Public Health
Catchment: Elgin County
Directory of various programs/services of interest to children, youth and families in Elgin County.
Posted: Feb 5, 2015
Language: EN
Catchment: Halton Regional Municipality
This resource guide is intended to help families, caregivers, and members of the community in navigating and understanding the child and youth mental health system.
Posted: Sep 18, 2013
Language: EN
Peel Service Collaborative
Catchment: Peel Regional Municipality
Guide to mental health services in the Peel region.
Posted: Nov 9, 2015
Language: EN
Catchment: Waterloo Regional Municipality
Posted: Jun 12, 2012
Language: EN
Catchment: Waterloo Regional Municipality
Posted: Jul 11, 2012
Language: EN
Catchment: Waterloo Regional Municipality
Local resource book for those living, working or supporting someone with a disability.
Posted: Aug 29, 2012
Language: EN
Dufferin Coalition for Kids (DuCK)
Catchment: Dufferin County
The My Dufferin service directory was created and is maintained by Dufferin Coalition for Kids (DuCK).
Posted: Oct 24, 2023
Language: EN
Catchment: Haliburton County
List of child/youth mental health resources prepared by the Ontario Centre of Excellence for the Mental Health Literacy Project in March 2011.
Posted: Mar 4, 2011
Language: EN
Catchment: Niagara Regional Municipality
Posted: Jan 28, 2011
Language: EN
Catchment: Niagara Regional Municipality
Provided by TAMI Niagara and the Canadian Mental Health Association (CMHA).
Posted: Feb 26, 2011
Language: EN
Catchment: Niagara Regional Municipality
List of child/youth mental health resources in Niagara area, prepared by the Ontario Centre of Excellence for Child and Youth Mental Health, as part of the Mental Health Literacy Project in Mar 2011.
Posted: Mar 4, 2011
Language: EN
Catchment: Niagara Regional Municipality
Information about suicide for individuals living in the Niagara area, including information about the Crisis Outreach and Support Team (COAST), 1-800-263-4944.
Posted: Sep 11, 2012
Language: EN
Catchment: Hastings County
List of child/youth mental health resources prepared by the Ontario Centre of Excellence as part of the Mental Health Literacy initiative in March 2011.
Posted: Mar 4, 2011
Language: EN
Catchment: Ontario
Guide is for people looking for mental health services in Ontario, from the Centre for Addiction and Mental Health (CAMH).
Posted: Sep 12, 2015
Language: EN
Catchment: Ontario
List of aboriginal mental health services in Ontario created by the Ontario Aboriginal Health Advocacy Initiative (OAHAI).
Posted: Sep 16, 2015
Language: EN
Children's Mental Health Ontario (CMHO)
Catchment: Ontario
CMHO has list of child/youth mental health services for communities throughout Ontario.
Posted: Sep 1, 2020
Language: EN
Mental Health Commission of Canada
Catchment: Canada
This inventory was created to establish a living directory of community-based mental health and substance use services and supports throughout Canada for people who are transitioning from the criminal justice system into the community.
Posted: Nov 10, 2021
Language: EN,FR
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